the facts hub


ChatGPT 4: The Next Generation of Conversational AI

ChatGPT 4 is a state-of-the-art conversational AI model, developed by OpenAI.

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A little carelessness could have cost lives

A little carelessness could have cost lives Friends, people in the world do not know what they do to earn…

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World & History

Why did our ancient kings have many wives?

Why the King did marry a lot in ancient times?

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How people shaved in ancient times?

How people shaved in ancient times?

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World & History

History of Afghanistan, why do all the big powers of the world want Afghanistan as much?

History of Afghanistan, why do all the big powers of the world want Afghanistan as much?

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African Baobab Tree Most Useful Tree in the World

Most Useful Tree in the world, African BaoBaB Tree

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5 Scariest places in the world where humans are forbidden to go

World’s Top 5 Most Haunted Palace

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Anni Dewani Honeymoon Murder Case, True Crime Investigation Explained

Husband Killed his wife : Friends, in today’s post, there is a story of two billionaire families, one of them…

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World & History

Cavewoman: This woman is the primitive man of today’s era

This woman is the primitive man of today’s era Modern Cavewoman Friends, a hobby is such a thing that anything…

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